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February 15, 2023
Time To Read
3 min read

Enhancing revenue capture while driving digital engagement

Learn how to develop a comprehensive patient access strategy that drives financial, operational, and experience outcomes through intelligent automation.

Enhancing revenue capture while driving digital engagement

Patient access is more important than ever as health systems face the perfect storm of staffing shortages, heightened patient expectations, and challenging margins. However, operational, digital, and revenue cycle leaders often pursue patient access improvement initiatives separately, as opposed to a single enterprise-wide initiative. The result is a disjointed patient experience with substantial administrative burden for staff. 

By harnessing intelligent automation, health systems both improve front-end revenue cycle performance with fewer staff and deliver a convenient, patient-centered experience that drives patient loyalty.

Learn how to develop a comprehensive patient access strategy that drives financial, operational, and experience outcomes, plus:

  1. Why the digital front door includes the revenue cycle 
  2. How to close the labor gap and free up staff to focus on high-value, meaningful work 
  3. The role of intelligent automation in both streamlining patient access and improving the patient's financial experience

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