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February 27, 2025
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3 min read

Where the new administration stands on healthcare and AI

Hear from two leading healthcare experts, Former VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, and Dr. Bob Wachter, Chair of Medicine at UCSF, as they deep dive into conversation about how the new administration’s priorities could drive significant shifts in healthcare and AI.

Where the new administration stands on healthcare and AI

The United States healthcare system is at a crucial inflection point, with uncertainties caused by the ongoing labor shortage and increased administrative burden further amplified as the new administration continues to cut costs, reduce federal grants, and move towards the privatization of the public sector.

Notable’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Aaron Neinstein, is joined by two leading healthcare experts, Former VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, and Dr. Bob Wachter, Chair of Medicine at UCSF, to discuss the intersection of healthcare and artificial intelligence, and how digital innovation can enhance patient care and streamline healthcare processes to combat operational difficulties presented by the current healthcare and political landscapes.

The discussion in this webinar starts with Dr. Wachter and Dr. Shulkin explaining how UCSF and the VA are respectively preparing for the next four years with the new administration, then dives deeper into topics including: 

  • The direction value-based care is moving during this administration, how AI will play into its future, and what’s missing in the current administration’s approach to reducing costs and disrupting the system
  • The question of whether there will be doctors in the future — the answer is a resounding yes, but perhaps not for the reasons you imagine
  • How we balance the fear that AI will take human jobs away, with the enormous opportunity to improve patient access and quality of care that – issues the healthcare system struggles to address today
  • Why AI didn’t succeed in the healthcare industry in the past, and how we’re using it today to offer meaningful and useful support to providers

This important discussion underscores the significance of developing innovative tools to create efficiencies in healthcare systems, enhancing overall patient satisfaction. Listen to the recording today for a thoughtful analysis of these challenges, insights into potential solutions, and a forward-looking perspective on the future of healthcare in the age of AI. 

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